
Archive for August 4th, 2007

Most modern churches today are full of free-loaders. People that are always looking for something from God. We read the Bible more times than not with our own personal interests at heart. We are searching for things that will gratify our own self-worth and feed our own self-image, and we are not searching for commands to obey. God is very clear in the fact that He wants our obedience. If we want to become effective Christians and reach the world with the Gospel, we need to line up with God’s revealed will and search for commands to obey.

David Foster writes in his blog:

If I were looking for a church to attend in the morning, here is what I’d look for:

When I enter do I hear laughter?
Are people greeting me as a job or a joy?
Does the place look like they were expecting me?
Are people buzzing as they greet each other?
Is there spirited music playing as people gather?
Does the music move me?
Do the people on stage look real and engaged?
Are the announcements short, strategic, and to the point?
Is there a printed outline with Scripture already printed on it?
Does the pastor smile?
Does the message title promise a relevant topic I am interested in?
Does the pastor speak with humility and authority?
Do I feel the presence of God?
Are people listening and engaged?
Is the service no more than 71 minutes?
Does it pass by fast?

Do you notice all of the my, me, and I comments made, and mostly superficial wants and needs. Nothing about holiness, righteousness, or Godliness. Nothing about a church where biblical truth and doctrine are preached and taught. Basically today most folks are looking for a warm, fuzzy, feel-good, get in and out quick, don’t inconvenience me church experience.

We live in a what’s in it for me society, but it is time as the Apostle Paul said, “Put away childish things.” It is time to grow up, start serving, and stop free-loading on God.

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